Norwich church joy of singing God’s word

On Saturday May 20, Andy Fenton and Anne McGregor from Music Ministry came to Holy Trinity, Norwich, to speak about how to best serve our churches through the music we play.
The event was organised by the Norfolk Gospel Partnership and was attended by about 40 people from various churches.
Everybody was encouraged by some fantastic teaching on why as Christians we are called to sing to God, both out of praise and lament, and to see the value that music has in worship. We were given the choice of two seminars- one on encouraging a congregation through song, and one on incorporating different instruments in music. We learnt some new songs, and enjoyed singing praise to our God!
Richard James, the Rector of Holy Trinity, said, “Andy and Anne led the day with enthusiasm and skill, modelling Christ-centred sung worship and inspiring us with the joy and importance of “singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in our hearts to God”.
Read the full article here