Poringland Bible teachers look at building project

The Way of the Spirit is starting the New Year with a meeting in Poringland to explore the Book of Nehemiah.
“The exile is over and the temple has been rebuilt,” writes the Way of the Spirit team. “Now begins the rebuilding of the city walls. Nehemiah began this challenging task with a whole heart and he saw the completion of it despite great opposition.
“Celebrating this achievement, Ezra read the word of God daily to the people, and the result was revival. They recognised that their lifestyle was far away from what God demanded in his word and were cut to the core. Repentance brought joy and celebration, and Nehemiah reminded the people that ‘the joy of the LORD is your strength’.
“Many lessons are learned through Nehemiah’s tenacity and determination not to be distracted from the job. You will come away from this teaching day with a greater resolve not to listen to the voice of the enemy, to see projects in your life completed and with a fresh understanding of the power of God’s word to bring about change.”
The morning will begin at 9.30am on Saturday January 15 and will take place at Poringland Community Centre, Overtons Way, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7WB.
The meeting will be following the current guidelines for community halls. A mask is required in all areas of the building except in the cafe area (unless exempt). Masks can be temporarily removed during worship when singing, drinking or eating.
Way of the Spirit will be holding a light lunch afterwards. If you would like to stay for lunch please contact [email protected] so that they can have an idea for numbers (there is no cost for the meal).
If you are unable to join physically in the hall, you can join on this zoom link –
Meeting ID: 861-8874-0487
Passcode: 665814
Image from Tim Widsmith on Unsplash
Eldred Willey, 12/01/2022
Read the full article here